计算 $ 2.5 \times (1\frac 1 3 - \frac 3 5) + 2.5 \div (2.5-1) $
计算 $ [2-(11.9-8.4\times1\frac 1 3)]\div0.65$
将下列分数化成小数,不能化为有限小数的保留三位小数 1) $\frac 6 {25}$ 2) $\frac {20} {21} $
把下列小数化为分数 $10.005$
$99 \frac 3 4 +199 \frac 3 4 + 2999 \frac 3 4 + 39999 \frac 3 4$
解方程 $2 \frac 3 5 + x = 6\frac 1 5 + 5\frac 1 4$
计算 $1.25 \times 6.4 \times 0.25$
约分 $\frac {65} {143}$
计算 $81\frac {13} {48} - (17 \frac {11} {34} - 9 \frac {11} {48})$
计算 $2.5 \times (1\frac 1 3 - \frac 3 5) + 2.5 \div (2.5-1)$
计算 $[2-(11.9-8.4\times1\frac 1 3)]\div0.65$
计算 $-4\frac 1 4 \times 4 \frac 5 6 + 6 \frac 1 6 \div (- \frac 4 {17} ) + 4.25$
计算 $-0.25^2\div(-0.5)^3+(\frac 1 8 - \frac 1 2 ) \times (-1)^{10}$
书店运来科技书和文艺书共240包,科技书占 $\frac 1 6$,后来又运进一批科技书,这时科技书占两种书总数的 $\frac 3 {11}$。现在两种书各有多少包?
预初英语练习Unit 4 课时精炼2 口语 I <u>hurt my ankle</u> during the game. _________________________ to you during the game?
预初英语练习Unit 4 课时精炼2 口语 () I don't feel very well! A. I'm very well! B. It doesn't matter. C. Why not take a rest?
预初英语期中错题整理 () Sally wants to buy two bags of egg noodles in the supermarket. Which food section should she go to? A. Snacks B. Dairy products C.Grains D.Bakery
预初英语期中错题整理 _______ the break, students go on to have a lesson. A. Before B.When C.After D.During
有若干个数,第一个数记为 $a_1$ ,第2个数记为 $a_2$,第3个数记为 $a_3$ ,…… 第n个数记为 $a_n$ ,从第二个数起,每个数等于1减去前面那个数的差的倒数。 例如:若 $a_1 = 5$ , 则 $a_2 = \frac 1 {1-a_1} = \frac 1 {1-5} = - \frac 1 4; a_3 = \frac 1 {1-a_2} = \frac 1 {1-(-\frac 1 4)} = \frac 4 5$ 1) 若 $a_1 = -\frac 1 3$,则 $a_{2024} = $ _________ 1) 读一读,式子 "1+2+3+4+5+ ... + 100" 表示1开始的100个连续自然数的和。由于上述式子比较长,书写也不方便,为了简便起见,我们可以将 “1+2+3+4+5+ ... + 100” 表示为 $\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{100}$,这里 $\displaystyle\sum$ 是求和符号,例如: $1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3 + 6^3 + 7^3 + 8^3 + 9^3 +10^3$ 可以表示为 $\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{10}n^3$。 问题: 1) 若 $a_1 = -\frac 1 3$,且 $\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{t}a_n = 49$,则 t = __________ 1) 若 $a_1 = - \frac 1 3$,$a_m -a_n = \frac {13} 3$ ,则 m,n 之间一定满足的数量关系是 _____________
预初英语期中错题整理 My friends are busy ____ doing the class projects. A. in B. with C. for D. about